Talk about your hotel

Use this text to share information about your hotel with your guests. Describe your rooms, share special offers, or share your latest news.

Talk about your hotel

Use this text to share information about your hotel with your guests. Describe your rooms, share special offers, or share your latest news.

Talk about your hotel

Use this text to share information about your hotel with your guests. Describe your rooms, share special offers, or share your latest news.


Welcome , I'm Alice, passionate about the world of fitness, sport and well-being... About eight years ago, when I turned twenty, I took a course to become a personal trainer thinking that that was my path and after completing it I realized that yes, I loved taking care of my body but there was much more that was needed to find physical, mental and spiritual balance... I felt that the well-being I was looking for so much would not be found by focusing only on the outside... I wanted to help myself and I wanted to fully understand who I was and why particular and complicated situations happened to me ... Thus began my inner research... with the desire then, later on, to try to help other people in a more profound way. Today I am a teacher of Yoga 200h RYT and Yoga in Hammock 100RYT, a passion that then became a job... I am a Naturopath, I studied at the RIZA school in Bologna for 3 years... and I continued my studies specializing in Harmonic Plantar Reflexology , Bach flowers , Trace elements , Crystal therapy , Aromatherapy , mycotherapy . Not long ago, I became passionate about the world of Tibetan bells and consequently the well-being they can bring by becoming a Bell operator. What I want to convey is that the human being is a complex intertwining of internal relationships between body, muscles, bones, joints, organs, brain... they interact with each other through what we feel and feel, through EMOTIONS... sending signals . To try to understand these warnings that our body sends it is necessary to stop from the daily routine and center ourselves... find ourselves away from all those conditionings that we constantly receive from the surrounding world, try to understand how to manage them and why they are present... .thanks to yoga practice and other holistic techniques I will share with you the importance of listening to your body and your breathing, of listening inside yourself to understand what is outside, to find your true essence through movement, listening, subtle energies, using the tools of holistic and spiritual disciplines.