We introduce ourselves ...


Both born in Italy in the 1990s, we are a couple together for more than 10 years 👫 more specifically we come from Cervia , Emilia Romagna, a seaside area. 🌊
We have lived all our life in Italy in the same place where we were born and raised , and ... absurdly ... until a few years ago we would never have thought of moving elsewhere . But then something changed ... Perhaps we to have changed ...
We met in 2013 and a few months later we got engaged . A year later our cohabitation begins ! then . in late 2018 we buy a house . We also adopt 2 dogs, Cody and Numa :)
Enrico had a bathing establishment (Dallara Beach 183 Cervia) that he ran for years now with his family . His parents bought it back in 1989 so he was born and grew up there ! Undoubtedly a job that gave a more than decent quality of life.In spite of the many memories things, for a few years now, were not what they used to be and the lifestyle was becoming really heavy for us and, for various reasons, we decided it was time for a substantial renovation.
Alice, in addition to helping at the Dallara when there was a need worked together with Father, trying to give him a hand during the time available to him while remaining focused and concentrated on what she was really passionate about, on what she had chosen for her future, which was to train in the holistic field ! the commitment paid off and a couple of years later she became a Naturopath and RYT Yoga teacher .
Then came the pandemic that made us realize many things ... many things about US and many things about the country in which we lived . In time, we understood that we needed a radical change also accomplice to a very uncertain and 'dangerous' management of the Italian bathing industry by our country . It was there that in a way unknown to us, the call of Fuerteventura 🏝️ hit us catching our attention and drawing us to it ✨.
Here the TURNING POINT ! we made a decision (the first of many) , one of those that changes your entire life .
Abandoning all certainty we decided to put the bathing establishment up for sale , an undertaking that turned out to be quite complicated given the impending new regulations that discouraged so many possible buyers. After about 4 months we made it !!! it was a long negotiation and not at all easy (indeed, we can safely call it very stressful due to various private vicissitudes that happened that I cannot and will not describe here now ... suffice it to say that third parties made it difficult and still today certain issues are unfortunately not closed) but , accomplice to a fate that seemed to really push us with its hands towards our new life , we completed the direct sale .
By this time the seeds of certain ideas had begun to germinate in us ... we felt ready to embrace change , we had the possibility of investing a certain amount of money gracefully in the sale of our business and we had the right recklessness that would allow us to attempt the leap with a smile on our face .
We booked a 31-day vacation right in FUERTEVENTURA during which , in addition to enjoying sun and sea, we surveyed the territory trying to figure out how and where to take our investments . Things followed such a linear flow and not at all forced that it immediately seemed to us a bit like a table already set by someone or something that seemed to WANT this kind of change as much as we did (nothing happens by chance). This is by no means to say that there were no difficulties , you cannot hope that things will come to you if you stand still and effortlessly take in only what is 'easy' ... I believe that help lies precisely in the way you , through the 'touch ' of someone or something , perceive certain difficulties , or better said , in the way you deal with them ! in short ... inside yourself , in your innermost self you perceive it when a road you are walking gives you motivation in walking ... here ... that for me means taking your destiny at arm's length , without having to 'only' follow it , then becoming like a leaf at the mercy of the wind but trying to support each other , helping each other along the long path of the pursuit of happiness .
Back to us ... When our vacation was coming to an end we made the SECOND big decision . First one and then the other shortly thereafter we decided to buy 2 accommodations on the island to put on rent later ! here were our first 2 investments, here was our life that was even more taking a definite direction . The first was CASA ROJA , an apartment in the capital of Fuerte , Puerto del Rosario , which immediately fascinated us because of its I don't know what of family lodging ... then followed the beautiful CASA ALICIA , a very elegant detached villa located in the north of the island , more precisely in El Cotillo , a place that immediately captured us entering our hearts .
We returned to Italy , Alice resumed helping her father and working as a Yoga teacher and Massage Therapist while Enrico , unemployed after the sale , took a sabbatical year to devote himself to something else but above all to plan the THIRD big life decision matured after many exchanges between the 2 . We both wanted to complete qual drastic change leaving as well what was left of the biggest ... Our home ! We did it ! we also put her up for sale after only 5 years of ownership waiting for potential buyers who, within a few weeks, came to us with a valid offer . WE ACCEPTED !
At this point we had truly left everything that inevitably tied us to Italy ... we were free ... we felt free ... we could do and become again whoever we wanted wherever we wanted .
We returned to Fuerte . This time not to focus on potential work but only and exclusively to think about us and where we wanted to live ! The search was long and demanding, we spent a week making about 3/4 visits a day ... but then here it was , the villa that left us breathless ... it was her ! at the right time, in the right place, on the right terms . We wasted no time, signed a preliminary purchase agreement and returned (for the last time !!! ) to Italy .
Those were days of waiting where we waited to finalize the sale of the now old house of ours to then concentrate exclusively on our long one-way trip to FUERTEVENTURA where, together with our 2 inseparable 4-legged friends, we would finalize the purchase of that villa by starting to call it 'Home '.
Everything went according to plan, we meticulously planned the trip that, all 4 of us in my car, would take us from Cervia to Fuerteventura ! In total, this adventure lasted 5 days, 2600 km traveled by car passing France and Spain arriving in Cadiz where we boarded the ship bound for Puerto del Rosaio (capital of Fuerte) .
Here we were again in the place we would henceforth consider Home ... here we were living in FUERTEVENTURA .
We concluded the transfer of ownership of the property in my name and . here we are ! now immersed in this wild paradise that is so generously hosting us and also giving us job opportunities. We are feeling more relaxed , traveling at OUR own pace and trying to enjoy the present . Now, as you already know, we focus our energies on making your vacations on this attractive island unique by offering you our accommodations as footholds during your adventures :) It is not easy work because reading reviews and testimonials of people who have spent wonderful moments on the island that allowed them to 'unplug ' from everyday life also thanks to staying in our homes is AMAZING and APPAGING, pure food for the soul .

a hug ! Rico & Ali - Escape To Fuerte